Cool Rainy Late Friday Round Up

The short work week is nearly over and the plants are getting watered.

BOOM! Car Action.

Wow, Chief Wray sure listens to Thuy. Is it a reward for helping get 30 new officers, a pay back?

This Side of Town is Moving . . .

No worries, it will still be This Side of Town, it will just be be at . . . Forward Lookout. We're hoping...

The County Board Short Week Ahead

I hate doing these more and more every week, because you can't tell much from their agendas TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2010 5:45 p.m. ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURE &...

Common Council Recap

It's supposed to be a short meeting, but it's still 2 hours and 15 minutes. The main event is Judge Doyle Square, with little else on the agenda.

Long Weekend Round Up

I have another day off, can't let my vacation build up like it did for years, so I'm trying to use it a little...

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part I)

There was a lot on the agenda, only one issue that was discussed.

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part II)

Questions of Chief Wray and some comments from the council members. And people ask to be added as sponsors.