Budget Amendments Come Out Today

So, today we find out what we are voting on this Tuesday. I hear there will be plenty for folks to be upset...

City Budget: Where its at . . . (Part II, Capital Budget)

Here's my run down of day 2 of the City Council Budget deliberations:Last Night we dealt with amendments 7 - 13, plus an added...

Advertsing . . . and Fiscal Awareness

One of the latest mantras by the band of merry moderates on the City Council is that we need advertising to fill the gaps...


Yup - it's city budget time . . . and it's gonna be a mess this year!!Tomorrow night at the Downtown Public Library (201...

The Politics of Policing

So, 600 people on the Westside want more police services. Maybe. I'm not sure what they want. The angry emails...

Capital Budget Amendment Impacts

Below are the specifics of some of the proposed cuts to the Capital budget and how much it would save you as a taxpayer....

City Budget: Where it’s at . . .

Ok - due to popular demand, here's the run down on what happened last night . . .We heard excellent public testimony from 6:30...

Operating Budget Impacts

Here's the list of proposed cuts in the Operating Budget and how much they can save you on your tax bill. Again, looking...

City Budget: Where it’s at . . . (Part III: Operating Budget)

All that, for $1.03 increase over the Mayor's budget (with changes made at the Board of Estimates) on the average homeowner's tax bill ....

2007 Budget – Sick Leave Not Implemented, And More

Wouldn't you assume that when something gets put into the budget and it gets the votes on the council, that it would get implemented....

What didn’t make it in the budget requests . . .

The list is long . . . I've posted 56 requests from most departments here and the 30 police and fire requests here.The long...

Budget Amendments! Oh My!

My head is still spinning from reading the 54 amendments we got on Friday at noon and I've been at the Neighborhood Conference all...