City Operating Budget: What’s in? What’s out?

Here's the run down. A quick overview of the information that we got today:(links are to the sections of the budgets for each...

Police Department: No Income/Expense Report with YTD Budget to Actuals?

All I want to do is make an informed vote. It should be something that the public expects. However, sometimes, it is...

It’s a stick up!

Police overtime. You have no choice, you have to pay it. It's an annual heist and we pay and pay and...

Police Department: 18 not enough. Now we need 30.

No joke. The other shoe has dropped.DATE: September 7, 2007TO: Dave Cieslewicz, MayorFROM: Noble Wray, Chief of...

The Politics of Policing

So, 600 people on the Westside want more police services. Maybe. I'm not sure what they want. The angry emails...

How much does one police officer cost?

It depends.The first 18 officers the Mayor added to the budget would start on May 27th and would cost the city $49,500 per officer...

The Cost of 30 Police Officers.

At the last council meeting, we stopped crime in Madison. Well, not really. We passed two ordinances, one that would stop new...

2007 Budget – Sick Leave Not Implemented, And More

Wouldn't you assume that when something gets put into the budget and it gets the votes on the council, that it would get implemented....

One Stop Shop – $1.6M down the drain?

Rumors have been circulating for some time about a hotel on City property in the downtown area. Such a hotel could incorporate the...

WSJ: A tiny bit right?

But factually, all screwed up, as usual. I just don't read the WSJ to protect my blood pressure, but someone sent me their...

Board of Estimates Budget meeting! Part II: Operating Budget

To read in chronological order, you'll want to read the post below about the Board of Estimates Capital Budget amendments first. After...

Is the Mayor above the Law?

Can he just ignore Madison General Ordinances because he thinks he has a better idea? If so, why not just eliminate the Common...