Capital Budget 2009 – Final

Ok - here's my update. When I'm done, if I have time, I will post my notes on the great (as usual) public...

Capital Budget Items of Interest

The last two evenings we had each of the departments come before the Board of Estimates, with all alders invited and all city committees...

Delay the Firestation?

Did the Wisconsin State Journal actually say that? I guess the "basic services" message that they have been pounding away on has some...

What’s in the Capital Budget Boat Load?

Here's a quick summary of the Capital Budget, with several things the Wisconsin State Journal left out of their summary of the amendments -...

My thoughts on this year’s Capital Budget

I said I'd do this last week . . . but alas . . . the best laid plans . . . sometimes "tomorrow"...

Operating Budget – The Gory Details (A Start)

Well, I'm typing this up 4 days later, so its gotten a little fuzzy, but here's what I remember/have notes on.The evening started off...

A little more Round Up

There's a little bit out there to comment on . . . EDGEWATER TOURI considered going, but didn't feel like listening to another sales...

Board of Estimates Re-cap

A bit of a preview of issues to come, some revealing of some issues that won't ever get talked about at the council ....

Upcoming City Budget

The Mayor briefed some alders on the budget yesterday at noon, and it seems there is some confusion. Yes, this is going to...

Fuel costs are . . . down?

This fuel cost argument isn't exactly panning out. The WSJ did a story that started to explain that the WORST BUDGET EVER IN...

The Budget, Budget, Budget Week Ahead

Not many meetings beyond the three nights of budget . . . Monday, November 10, 20084:00 PM SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND ENERGY COMMITTEE ...

Those 30 cops

Did we need them or not? After sitting in a hot, sweaty, stinky room 260 in the Municipal Building for more than two...