Operating Budget – The Short Version

I haven't even finished the Capital Budget from yesterday . . . got caught up in a meeting and phone calls and hundreds of...

Board of Estimates (Preview of Issues to Come) Recap

Mark Clear violates ethics ordinance?, TIF falling out of favor with Madison School District and County (could future TIF districts and expansions . ....

Board of Estimates Operating Budget Testimony

Since the public testimony took a couple hours, I did a separate post.PUBLIC TESTIMONY (I hope I get these names right!!):Dan - Board member...

Raise Bus Fares to $2?

This is a question being posed to Alders by the Mayor for this year's budget. Actually, the members of the Transit and Parking...

Capital Budget 2009 – Final

Ok - here's my update. When I'm done, if I have time, I will post my notes on the great (as usual) public...

Those 30 cops

Did we need them or not? After sitting in a hot, sweaty, stinky room 260 in the Municipal Building for more than two...

Capital Budget Items of Interest

The last two evenings we had each of the departments come before the Board of Estimates, with all alders invited and all city committees...

$2 Bus Fares for What?

Gas prices, right? Wrong! Here's what increased bus fares would pay for:1. Fifty thousand dollars for reestablishment of the popular “Route 10”...

Delay the Firestation?

Did the Wisconsin State Journal actually say that? I guess the "basic services" message that they have been pounding away on has some...

First Swing of the Capital Budget Ax.

Here's a brief list of the items that are proposed as amendments to the Capital Budget. The list should be available in Legistar...

A little more Round Up

There's a little bit out there to comment on . . . EDGEWATER TOURI considered going, but didn't feel like listening to another sales...

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...