Board of Estimates Re-cap

A bit of a preview of issues to come, some revealing of some issues that won't ever get talked about at the council ....

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

Opitz not Running for County Board

Figures, the day after the WSJ confirms who is running . . . its wrong. Not Matt's fault, I just figured it wasn't...

A little late Round Up . . .

I had a little blogging mishap this morning, so . . . this is later than usual (luckily, I have worked lots of extra...

Another Round Up

Panhandlers box, Madison's Cultural Plan, Sheriff's Overtime (doubled what has been budgeted for years), Future Cities, Nancy Mistele screams at County Board Supervisors, Bus...

Board of Estimates Capital Budget Votes

Here's the votes and discussion on each of the Board of Estimates amendments 1 - 21. Amendments 21 - 27 including the Edgewater...

Operating Budget Amendments are Out!

Board of Estimates amendments are out . . . 19 of them . . . .

Community Services Committee Makes Horrible Decisions

Not because they wanted to, but because they were forced to. Not that their decision making process was bad, they just had all horrible...

City Community Services Funding Shake Up

Even tho everyone is focus on the 2010 budget at the moment, yesterday, the Community Services Committee's subcommittee heard about new staff proposed changes...

Round Up – A little less fired up today . . .

Catching up on a few things . . . CITY LOOKING FOR NEW PROGRAMS FOR THE HOMELESSWith all the talk at Community Services about...

Round Up!

Here's a round up of interesting tidbits - business schmoozes the council & lobbies for the upcoming budget?, Urban Design Commission musings, more Edgewater...