Council Recap: Jan 16, 2007

For those of you who miss Kristian Knutson's live-blogging of the City Council on, I hear ya! Here's my best recap of...

Common Council Recap

Well, despite all the referrals, we still managed to meet until 11:00 last night. September 4th will likely be a long meeting. ...

The "Alder Rummel’s Birthday" Council Recap

The meeting started 12 minutes late, Alders Solomon and Kerr were not there, Alder Palm was late. And, it was hard not to...

CC Recap – 600 East Johnson

Tear down 11 houses and build 3 big buildings on E Johnson Street? Sure, screw the neighborhood plan . . . if we...

18 Minute Common Council Recap

One reporter described it as feeling like we were in the eye of the storm.GETTING STARTEDThey started on time!!!! Taking at least Verveer...

Vending and Nuisance Council Recap

Three hours, some good discussion, some maddening . . . yes, I ended up all mad again (second time this week and it was...

Surprisingly long Council Recap (Part I – Final)

It was a 4.5 hour meeting, part one is filled with discussions of roundabouts and who pays for them (hint: the county doesn't...

Common Council Recap – Uh . . .

All I can say is I have no idea how the meeting took two hours. No. freaking. clue.- We heard a few people...

November 3 City Recap – The (Almost Complete) "Short" Version

I have 6.5 hours of notes, and not enough time to use them! Here's a shorter version of what happened. I have...

Common Council Recap: October 2

There were only two or three items of discussion, but we were still there until 9:00 or so. There were a few other...

Civility, Aldermanic Courtesy and Working Together

Yesterday, outgoing alders were given the opportunity to say their good-byes, impart some words of wisdom to us and give us some words of...

The "Odd" Council Recap

The meeting started a good 10 minutes late with Attorney May in costume - wizards hat, cape and wand! (Did he lose some...