Short Common Council Recap

Snooze.While we dealt with 190 items on the agenda last night, very few of them got any attention at all and we were done...

Common Council Recap

Chicken shit. That about sums it up.Last night's meeting started late and it was past 7:00 before we were done saying good-bye to...

Better Late than Never – 3/27 Council Meeting Report

So, Tuesday night's Council meeting did not disappoint. There was all the spinning, grandstanding, puffery and otherwise unnecessary talking that you could ask...

The Inauguration Evening Common Council Recap

Another short meeting (go figure), we were done in an hour and a half. Alders Rhodes-Conway, Solomon and Gruber were absent.We started off...

(Late) Poison Ivy Common Council Recap

No, not talking about Thuy, but she did get in a "was Obama born in this country?" type comment, a bike comment and noted...

Council Recap – TIF for Danisco and the "But For" Policy

While most of the reporters, especially television reporters were covering the 5 minutes the Council spent on the pink flamingos or the time they...

Very Sleepy (Short) Edgewater Council Recap

Well . . . This is going to be not up to par . . . Here's some numbers for you to help...

City Council 11/6/2006: Full of Surprises!

Three of them!First, it was only 20 minutes long. Yup. 20 minutes. That's the shortest meeting I've attended in my nearly...

Sleepless Recap

The agenda kept us up until 4:00 in the morning, that's a 9.5 hour meeting. Here's the highlights, or lowlights, depending upon...

Council Recap: Jan. 22, 2008

Here's the run down of the council meeting that lasted til after 11:00 last night. Sorry, the links will have to wait until...

Common Council Recap

It might take me as long to think about this post as the meeting lasted - an whopping 45 minutes.Ok - it wasn't even...

Common Council Recap – It didn’t all fit in one post Again! (And I’m...

A shorter, meeting, still went til 11:23.GETTING STARTEDStarted late as usual. Meeting started at 6:40. There's about 30 members of...