Extremely Short Council Recap

Details later, here's the main points. I had a ticket to go see the Butthole Surfers tonight and passed it up because I...

Common Council Recap: March 4 2008

28 minutes.More interesting things happened before and after the meeting than during. Prior to the meeting, Ald. Judy Compton was regaling us with...

Common Council Recap – Everything but the Pham-Remmele Circus

They started only 2 minutes late!! We'll call that progress!!! The meeting started with everyone in attendance with the exception of Bruer....

Council Recap – General & the Smack Down . . . Minus Danisco

Ok - this is the quick rundown, minus the Danisco discussion, that will be a separate post. For reals, not kidding this time!GETTING...

Council Meeting Recap: July 3 2007

No better way to celebrate the 4th of July than talking about local government, eh? Ok - so before I forget, here's my...

Sleepless Recap

The agenda kept us up until 4:00 in the morning, that's a 9.5 hour meeting. Here's the highlights, or lowlights, depending upon...

The Ask Yourself Why the Council Meeting Lasted So Long Council Recap

One word: Thuy.Ok, there were a few other reasons, Thuy was just the most obnoxious reason why. The meeting didn't get started...

Council Recap – Property Tax Exemption Resolution (#24)

Here's a recap on the resolution asking the State Legislature to fix the Property Tax Exemption Problem caused by court cases brought to court...

City Council 11/6/2006: Full of Surprises!

Three of them!First, it was only 20 minutes long. Yup. 20 minutes. That's the shortest meeting I've attended in my nearly...

Common Council Recap

FAIL!Check back later today. Went out after the meeting which lasted til midnight and just didn't get up on time this morning and...

The Inauguration Evening Common Council Recap

Another short meeting (go figure), we were done in an hour and a half. Alders Rhodes-Conway, Solomon and Gruber were absent.We started off...

TiVo’d Council Meeting, Part II

The important/juicy part . . . Check here for part 1.PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONAlder Solomon clarified his motion was to figure out the implications...