Council Recap

Here's the recap of the meeting that I didn't really tell you about yesterday! (Sorry.) And the meeting that nearly wasn't. ...

Recap: CC June 19, 2007

Last night's council meeting lasted about 3 hours, with an additional 1 hour of presentation and questions about Transport 2020 and Trolleys at 5:30....

Common Council Recap (Final)

I took the day off, slept in (a little), so this will be a little slow getting posted this morning, but this and the...

Common Council Recap

The meeting went past 10:00! That has become so rare!The meeting started off with much confusion. Alders Sanborn and Bruer were not...

Council Recap – General & the Smack Down . . . Minus Danisco

Ok - this is the quick rundown, minus the Danisco discussion, that will be a separate post. For reals, not kidding this time!GETTING...

The "I kissed a girl" Council Recap

It was a little long, and at points, pointless. Here's the rundown.The meeting started around 6:36 with everyone present expect Council President Bruer....

Miscellaneous Common Council Recap (Updated)

Somehow, the meeting lasted til 10:00. A surprise to some, as there was no one major issue on the agenda. Confusion about...

Common Council Recap: Feb 5, 2008

As we went into the meeting, several people were commenting about how it was going to be a long meeting. Seemed kinda silly...

Mayor and Staff blow off City Employees and the Common Council

Yesterday the Mayor and his staff managed to blow off hundreds of City Employees. And the Common Council. And now...

Common Council Recap

Last night's council meeting was alot of fixing things that we shouldn't have to do on the floor. Here's what we did.#1...

Common Council Recap

Get it here, cuz you can't find it in the newspapers! I've already answered questions last night for reporters about what happened...

(Late) Poison Ivy Common Council Recap

No, not talking about Thuy, but she did get in a "was Obama born in this country?" type comment, a bike comment and noted...