It’s About Integrity

David and Leigh Mollenhoff's advice to council members . . . In an email entitled "Tell 'em to vote 'no" then sent this note:Dear...

Are You Sick of This Yet Round Up

I am. I really want the final vote to be tonight (as long as it is safe for everyone involved) and I really...

The Mayor, Blogging, Council Use of Web Pages & Woeful Use of Technology

Inspired by Kristin's puff piece on Mayor Dave Cieslewicz blogging . . . not her fault its a puff piece, not much news happening...

Hammes/Edgewater Appeals Landmarks Decision

Get Ready for a Loooooooonnnnnnngggggg Tuesday Night . . . .Here's the letter sent to the clerk.

Hmmm . . . Rescheduled (Edgewater) Council Meeting?

This, could be interesting . . . and convenient. Perhaps Palm and Schumacher will be back . . . but who else might...

All Aboard the Thuy Rollercoaster Council Recap

When the consent agenda came out with only Pham-Remmele separating items for discussion, I got several "Thuy Alert!" emails. I struggled with whether...

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part II)

Questions of Chief Wray and some comments from the council members. And people ask to be added as sponsors.

Short Week Monday Morning Round Up

Edgewater free round up . . . CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MIASo, where is our Economic Development Commission, our Economic Development Director and city leadership?...

Reconisderation . . .

I've been getting lots of questions about how reconsideration works. Luckily, Michael May just resent an old memo on reconsideration, which, unlike more...

A Cowards Call to Arms

Steve King didn't hold back when he talked about the opponents of Shiva Bidar-Sielaffs resolution on immigration that passed the council unanimously. And they are fighting back.

Council Meeting Cancelled

Sent from the council office:In response to concerns with the weather, the declared blizzard warning, State, County and City law officials requesting that motorists...

Poll Results: Open Records Response

How long before I get at least a courtesy response to my open records request from Council Staff or Leadership? (Hint, its been 5...