Home Completely Miscellaneous

Completely Miscellaneous

Konkel Productivity: Back Up!

I re-learned a couple of valuable and obvious consumer lessons yesterday.1. Know your rights.2. Never accept the first answer you're given. ...

Gotta love Wisconsin Winters . . .

Last night I ran a few errands and picked up a few things, lightbulbs, garbage bags, diet coke etc. But the hardest decision...

Friday Round Up

Due to the short week, lots of topics left to cover, so little time, so here's a recap of some important, some snarky, items...

When toy guns are outlawed, only churches . . .

This is just too weird not to share. From the East Side Police Newsletter:CHURCH ORGANIZES WAR GAMES On 6/17, an officer was...

World Record for Hugs in an Hour?

Another thing to do at Rhythm & Booms, volunteers needed! This was unusual, so I thought I'd pass it along.Help Us Set the...

Weekly News Links

I surf around and read plenty of news stories every week, here are a few that I enjoyed and wanted to pass along. Dems Vs. NASCAR ...

Mayor Bans Certain Phrases

This could be fun. If you were Mayor, what phrases might you ban? In Russia, one mayor banned some phrases for City...

Check it out before it melts!

If you get a chance to be in the area of the Yahara River on the Isthmus, check this out. Let's hear...

What’s going on?

People keep asking me, why have you been quiet lately?Ok - I don't think that I have. We just got done with budget...