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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Dane County Planning for Housing

This only happens once every 5 years, so Wednesday is the day to pay attention! What will Dane County put in its comprehensive plan for housing?

Sometimes, I love the Student Newspapers

They accidentally tell the story just a little too truthfully! :) Yeah, we're not discussing the project with the public openly ....
resident engagement

Local Government Ignores the Basics of Resident Engagement

This week the City of Madison agendas are a mess, the county only posts some agendas on-line, School Board meets in closed session more often than open and doesn't have minutes for months, and the School Board, City and County have been posting meeting a day or two before the meeting.

Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .

on Overture . . . ouch.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Board Week Ahead 5/11/20

County Board back in full swing!  Only one cancelled meeting.  They've figured it out, just make sure you register 30 minutes before the meeting if you want to participate.

Occupy Madison Events – The Final Countdown?

Party Saturday, clean up this weekend, rally and march Monday and . . . stay tuned.
state of emergency

What does a Wisconsin, Dane County or Madison “State of Emergency” do?

I have found few people who can tell me anything except what most think of - calling up the National Guard and FEMA money from the federal government.  What else?

Friday Round Up

First week of the year nearly over . . .

McDonell on Rail Referendum

McDonell: Vote No on Phony Rail Referendum. Or Don’t. There’s a lot at stake next Tuesday. We’ll go to the polls to choose our...

County Week Ahead (Updated/Finished)

25 meetings. . .

Last Minute Voting Info

Sent to neighborhood leaders to help with questions about today . . .


We've been working on updating the community calendar we have, and you will start to see events there again. If you have events...