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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Joe Parisi: How Would Dane County Be Different?

Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?

Midweek Round Up

I have a big grant due tomorrow, so this has to be quick!

Ch-Ch-Changes to the “Weekly” Schedules

Geez, lots of changes . . .

Monday/Tuesday Round Up, Part I

Partial Round Up . . . more coming.

County Board Week Ahead

Wow, the list of committees is not very helpful . . . since they are really meetings of subcommittees of the committees listed.

Martin Luther King Day/Weekend Events

Mark your calendars for the the 17th and the weekend before . . .

Friday Round Up

First week of the year nearly over . . .

Wednesday/Thursday Round Up

Here ya go! Enjoy!

What’s up with the Blogger Slacker?

Sorry, no post today, here's why . . . .

Candidates! (5:00 pm Update)

I'll update this throughout the day. The deadline is at 5:00 today. Yesterday, there were three new candidates that filed, one against Marsha Rummel, two against Brian Solomon. And yes, Solomon filed yesterday, the only incumbent left . . . Paul Skidmore.

Campaign Registration Deadline Day Round Up

By 5:00 today, we'll have the final list of spring candidates for County Executive, Mayor, Alders, School Board and some judgeships.

Zach Brandon “Radical” Idea #2

Get out the red tax caps and the over-sized pledge forms . . . and say it with me . . . "Zero-based budgeting" . . .