Scott McDonell Starts Running TV Ads
A link to the ad included.
Sunny Kept Us In The Dark…
In the Monona/Cottage Grove area,while we are a decent size community and many people read for their print/online newspaper, we have a respectable...
Brandon’s Radical Idea #4
Had to get it in yet this month . . . just barely.
Wineke Says He’s Raising the Most Money Per Day
But not the most money.
Electricians Endorse Parisi
IBEW also endorses pre-primary.
Volunteer to help Tenants (and Landlords) in need!
Tenant Resource Center is looking for volunteers!
Weekly Round Up
So distracted with the elections, that I have not had time for the usual round up. Here's a round up, non-elections related, not in the media items. Will do an all elections/news round up for this week this weekend
Barrett goes for Parisi
Another endorsement for Parisi.
Progressive Dane, Not Dead Yet.
Not taking over the world either. Just doing what we do.
Progressive Dane announces endorsed candidates for 2011 spring elections.
Oregon Progessives County Executive Debate . . .
I can't believe I forgot to post this, its been playing on WYOU for the past week . . . doh!
Changes at Overture
The Foundation changes its name and adds board members. Will any of it make a difference, now that they are allegedly on their own and can't come back to the city? Or will they fail and will they be back? They have a lot of money to raise every year in a bad economy.
Parisi endorsed by Planned Parenthood
I'm surprised by the endorsements coming out, since many are waiting til after the primary.