MLK (County) Week Ahead
Also short week, but also many meetings.
Scott McDonell: County Union Contracts
Bonus question: What are your thoughts on the union contracts approved by the County Board last Thursday.
Scott McDonell: How would Dane County Be Different?
Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?
Cottage Grove is open for business….or is it?
After a long, secret and unsuccessful courtship of Walgreens which included a costly and controversial change from a roundabout to new stop lights. ...
And the Killer of the RTA Enabling Legislation Will Be…
I just got back from a meeting hosted by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association downtown. The event featured an impressive array of...
Overture Update!
Ok, its not that exciting. Transitioning . . .
Enviros Support Parisi
It's a Joe Parisi lovefest! Sorry other candidates, send me your stuff, I'll post it! :)
Dane County Turns 175!
Older than any of us will ever get! Or most of our houses!
End of Grusome Week Round Up
Two intense board meetings, a couple grants and generally just too much work to do, means the blog got a little neglected this week. Not sure its going to get better any time soon. Special thanks to co-foorwardlookout blogger Erik Paulson for filling in with the EDC meeting and the James Madison Park Committee meeting (see post later today).
Zach Brandon, A “Republican?”
Special thanks to the forwardlookout spy network for this one . . .
RTA Draft Plan for Transit
Some anti-RTA folks are trying to play up the lack of specifics in the RTA's plan that recently made the news. To assuage their...
City Loses Tax Fight with Adams Outdoor Advertising
A cool million or more for the taxpayer to pay . . .