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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Half Time Council President Proposal is Silly

This reeks of someone trying to score political points and ignores the real issues they should be addressing.

County Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings . . .

An Overview of Bus Rapid Transit by Al Matano

I organized an informational meeting on the on the future of transit in Dane County prior to the August meeting of the Dane County...
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up

A random list of things that end up in my email inbox that I think you might be interested in.

(Most of) County Government Closed Til Friday

They were closed Monday, open today . . . and closed Wednesday and Thursday.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Lake Levels Committee has draft recommendations, annual employee handbook reviews, Lynn Green (Human Service Director) retiring, finally choosing the vendor for the mental health gaps study, setting dates of elections to fill seats vacated by Supervisors Kolar Kolar, Jeff Pertl and Jenni Dye and more.

Surface Bubble – By Mary Jo Walters

The Mary P. Burke, 'The Bubbler' is where the Madison Public Library's Central location polling station is located. If true, does that mean that her name will have to be covered up on voting days?
Round Up

Round Up

Now that everything is done being closed, where do wild creatures go when it's cold out, grace period to pay your property taxes, school board forum and more.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

It's budget season! A couple meeting where departments start presenting their budgets. County Board meets on Thursday.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part III

Ok - so that list of police calls in Part II was a little bogus and over-exaggerated, but there were some real issues in there. Yesterday, two gems of emails came out from the Mayor's office. Here's the latest on the Mayor's office campaign to rid themselves of the homeless in the building

3 County Board Seats Open – Circulate Papers Friday

If the resolution passes the County Board on Thursday, candidates for three open seats will have less than a month to circulate nomination papers. Circulation starts Friday and papers are due April 9th - only 18 days!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Who's going to pay for the Alliant Energy Center, 2 committees vote on the $150M jail, who sits on the County Zoo Board, purchasing land, Criminal Justice Council meets and more.