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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 9/25/23

13 meetings, all with agendas, but there are more agendas hanging in the city county building . . . 

Band Girlfriend Update!

Haven't done this for a while, but I have to admit, it's kinda cool to go to Triple M website and see Baghdad Scuba Review there . . . and there's some good shows coming up. I"m most excited about the show at the Majestic with Soul Shaker.

Housing is a Human Right – Now what will we do about it?

The City and County both passed resolutions declaring Housing Is A Human Right . . . and now we are holding a Summit, tomorrow, to talk about what to do about it! Copies are made, rooms reserved, packets being stuffed, panelists readying themselves . . . now all we need is you!

Best Practices: Winter Services for People Experiencing Homelessness

Wish I had seen this report a while ago . . . good stuff!

Housing is a Human Right Resolution

I think this is the final version! Will you or your group sign on?

The Future of Madison Policing


AFSCME Calls for Humane Solutions for Homeless in City-County Building

This is a GREAT! letter from AFSCME - they rock! Thank you so much!

Can people stay at Token Creek this winter?

I had to ask.

Vacanc(ies!) on the County Board (Updated)

I haven't seen an official notice . . . checked the county board site and their facebook page . . . After I posted this...

Financing Voodoo for the Edgewater – $66 Million!

No big deal, don't pay attention. Won't effect us.

County Week Ahead (Updated/Finished)

25 meetings. . .

How should the county spend its remaining COVID-19 money?

I've lost track, they were down to $2M, then the state said they couldn't spend the money they way they designated it, and now I think they have $33.8M.