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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Zach Brandon “Radical” Idea #2

Get out the red tax caps and the over-sized pledge forms . . . and say it with me . . . "Zero-based budgeting" . . .

Holidays Round Up

Ok, enough slacking, back to work!

Equally Light County Week Ahead

County Exec switcheroo . . . Kathleen Falk gets her job back.

Blogger Break

Um . . . I got nothin'. Or, almost nuthin'.

Zach Brandon is a WSJ Editorial Board Democrat

You know, the ones that endorsed Walker and Bush . . .

Who’s Filed for County Executive?

Officially, no one has the paperwork in to be on the ballot. And, there are five people who have filed paperwork aren't who you think they are. The one with the most paperwork filed isn't a name you've seen in the news.

Wineke Faux Pas

When running for County Executive in Dane County . . .

Joe Wineke Announcement

Here's the video and the speech.

Wineke Announcement today at 3:00

Since I have the camera checked out, I'll try to make it!

Hump Day Round Up . . .

For some, today is Friday . . .

Weekend + Monday Round Up

News is slowing down . . . less local government to cover . . . except for spring elections.

Zach Brandon’s Radical Ideas: Number One

Apparently, we can expect two every month . . .