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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Who Will Replace Scott McDonell on the County Board?

Special election coming up . . . if interested, its a short timeline to get papers and run a race for the April Elections.

I’m Speechless

This is one of the hardest posts I ever had to write and to add insult to injury, I completed it and then lost a bunch of work. So I'm just now getting around to trying to post something about what happened last Tuesday. I still can't believe a government could just pick up and relocate a group of people to a remote location out of sight and out of mind and . . . oh, nevermind. The irony of this happening at Thanksgiving just gives me images of what we did to Native Americans early in our country's history . . . I thought we had learned from that, but I guess not.

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

What A Difference!

Check out the 7 week update from the Day Center for Unhoused persons . . . and stop by and check it out if you have the chance . . . what a difference staffing attitudes make! Specifically, check out the police call information.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/18/22

County board meeting this week and many more!

County Week Ahead – RTA and County Board

RTA meets this week . . . and County Board.

9 days and counting . . . the sound, of silence . ....

Yeah, still no legal place to go. Marsha Rummel was the only one who spoke up at the council meeting on Tuesday, not ONE county board supervisor spoke up last night after our testimony. (But Heidi Wegleitner wasn't there - she was in Texas doing a presentation about housing issues in Madison to the American Bar Association. And David Wiganowsky introduced his resolution allowing and extension earlier in the evening.

Sunlight on the “Mushroom Patch”

There just is no end to the crap our state is dishing out . . . Tuesday can't come soon enough.

How Not to Address Poverty

I've been looking into the county's efforts around poverty. I was going to give them a report card on the Task Force on Poverty Report, but of course, its near impossible to do on-line research on this so it is taking quite some time . . . but here's what I've found that I can share so far.

OM House News, Fundraiser Tonight, How You Can Help

Occupy Madison Inc. is working hard to create OM House (housing cooperative) and is working on other projects like OM Works (worker cooperative) to create opportunities for housing and work for those who currently are struggling in this economy. We hope you can join us for our fundraiser tonight!

Half Time Council President Proposal is Silly

This reeks of someone trying to score political points and ignores the real issues they should be addressing.

Mayor’s Bike Trip . . . The Costs Revealed.

All is revealed . . . kinda . . . sorta . . . 6 months late.