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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

MCAD/201 State: Sorry Council, No Delay

You must decide on Overture tonight, not two weeks from now.

Rally Against Overture Privatization

Tonight! 5:30! This is a slight re-write of an action alert on how you can help. I can hardly wait to see which...

City Attorney Response to Overture Alternate, Alternate

i.e. the Schmidt/Bidar-Sielaff version that labor is supporting. I bolded the highlights for you. Since I'm throwing so much at you this morning....

City Attorney Responds to Council Amendments

I think the city attorney concluded that most of the amendments were policy, not legal issues. There are a few notes and comments, but almost all seem ok by him.

Why Does it Matter if We have No Affordable Housing Plan?

Seriously, isn't our housing affordable here in Madison? Take a look . . .

MCAD/201 Reject Nearly All the Council Amendments

Here are the amendments again, with the responses from MCAD/201 on the Overture proposals. Of course, the council will have to first discuss if they are amending the alternate, or the alternate, alternate. And likely, few of these will pass with the responses from MCAD/201. I'm beginning to think they won't have 11 votes for anything. And we'll be doing a repeat on the 14th.

Monkeys and Ethics

Um, this has nothing to do with the Overture.

16 Ethics Complaints Filed Re: Overture

Davin Pickell has been a busy man. He's filed ethics complaints against the Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, Mayor's Staff Paraino, Tom Carto, Dierdre Garton, Council President Mark Clear, Council Pro Tem Lauren Cnare and Council Office Staff Lisa Veldran. The Ethics Board hasn't seen this many complaints in at least 15 years, there's 15 of them!

Alternate, Alternate Resolution for Overture

And SCFL (South Central Federation of Labor) approves . . . This came out late Wednesday . . . From: Schmidt, Chris Sent: Wednesday, November...

Overture Amendments

The "Plan B" or private-private model, which is still a public-private model has a few issues yet to resolved. As many as the first model, I suspect. The council has just 21 recommendations for changes. If this takes as long as budget, they'll be there for a good 7 hours or more on just this item alone.

SCFL on Overture

South Central Federation of Labor has a thing or two to say . . .

$25,000 Overture Report

Here's a quick synopsis and links to the chapters. The consultants will be in town this weekend and at the council meeting on Tuesday.