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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Bad Aldering & Misleading on Edgewater TIF

I sat through the Landmarks Committee meeting yesterday, and it was hard to stay in my seat and keep my mouth shut. I was stunned by the misinformation my own alder gave the committee about capital budget requests and the Edgewater TIF plan the council is voting on tonight.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

As expected, here are more city meetings. I think I caught them all, here are the details on 8 more city meetings and 2 more county meetings.

Airport Commission Projects – Public Hearing Tonight (UPDATED)

Nothing bugs me more than when there is a public hearing announced, and no readily available information on what the public hearing is about.

So, did you vote?

Was there a pathetic turn out yesterday? Do the results mean anything?
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Community Justice Center discussion, long Zoning agenda including Tyrol Basin, equity plans, Specialized Transportation budget, Kassel Sister City and more.
round up

May 6 – 9 Round Up

One more week and I'm free from my consulting job and will have only one full-time job and Forward Lookout!  Then blogging can "return to normal"!

Injustice is a Powerful Motivator.

When will the county (i.e. County Executive Joe Parisi) realize that? They are so determined to just screw with homeless people - what is their motivation? See my email I just sent fueled by injustice.

City, County and School Board Week Ahead

Only the city has meetings this week . . . and only has 3 meetings, or maybe 2 or maybe 1, not sure. No county or MMSD school meetings.

Occu-PIE Fundraiser

January 29th, Fountain Bar, 5 - 7:30, Pie, Music by Combustible Trio, cash bar, good times. See you there! Let me know if you want to sponsor.

WORT: Updates on F-35 Fighter Jets in Madison

Here's the podcast from the show I hosted today with Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner and Alders Rebecca Kemble and Grant Foster.  And, all the links and additional information that I rattled off!

Clean Sweep is Back!

Dispose of your chemically items correctly, please!

Some good news for poor people in Dane County

Well, the job center is really not all that notorious for being a friendly place to go, but to not have it at all would be even more problematic. So, I guess this is good news!