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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.


The on thing that drives me the craziest about politics is the lies. Check out the lies about Kloppenberg.

County Week Ahead

Their budget will be done tonight. Another 15 minute meeting?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/19/21

How will the county spend the $106M coming to Dane County?  Find out Thursday night!

Week of 12/21/20

Short week ahead, no school meetings, less than a dozen city and county meetings combined.

It’s All About Transit

Here's the show that ran last Monday at 5:30 pm and Tuesday at 6:30 pm on WYOU. It's all about transit! Taped...

CAST (Communities and Schools Together) Stands with Teachers!

CAST defends public education, supports protests.

Horror Film Festival/WYOU Fundraiser

Hey, this isn't exactly my thing (but I have some freaky friends/boyfriend who think this is fun), but that is the beauty of WYOU . . . there's something for everyone!

Parisi: Reform CARPC

CARPC you ask? Its the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission.

Baldwin -> Pocan -> Taylor . . . Roys -> ?

Let the games begin! The dominos are falling. I sure hope that this all works out . . .

Answering Bridget’s Question

Why can't homeless get services?

Edgwater Financing Not Secured?

Hm. Looks like they might not really have the money for the financing secured.

Occupy: Not As Soglin Says

I can't believe how irresponsible Soglin is being in talking about the Occupy site. I wish he had visited it to see for himself and taken the time to meet some of the people staying there and find out about who they are, so he'd know how offensive his statements are