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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Stopping the Train

What's so scary about a train? Is Blaska right, is that why people voted for Walker, or is there a whole lot more to it? And what happens if they are successful? We lose jobs and millions of dollars in our Wisconsin economy. It makes no sense.

AFSCME will not support Overture Deal

No surprises, since it privatizes employees.

Mayor’s Deal on Overture (Updated)

Well, here's the latest info . . . .just hours before the 7:00 meeting tonight.

Overture Deal Close . . . .

but not yet . . .

Russ Feingold – On to the Next Fight!

Here's one classy guy . . .

Mayor’s Bike Trip . . . The Costs Revealed.

All is revealed . . . kinda . . . sorta . . . 6 months late.

A moment of silence.

We have a lot to think about.

Election Night Parties!

Sitting home tonight so you can stay riveted to the internet to find out the results as quickly as possible? Will you be...

The Low Down on Voting

You've probably been inundated with negative campaign ads and will be glad to get this day over. But, now that it is election day, you might still have questions. Here's some useful links for you!

I Can’t Vote for Sheriff Mahoney

I can't do it, not based on his policy of calling ICE and the impact that has on the community. Not to mention, he's not exactly good with transparency for an elected official. But who to vote for . . .

Today’s Guest: YOU, THE VOTER!

Who's the most important person today? You! That is why YOU are the guest on A Public Affair today! Call in today from noon - 1:00 at 256-2001 or toll free(866) 899-WORT (9678) and tell us about your election day!

Commuter Rail Referendum & Big Baby Blaska

To vote, or not to vote. What does it all mean anyways? It seems to be just one big fraud being perpetrated on the public. In the end, your vote means nothing. No matter what Blaska tries to say.