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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Dignity Village

This is the oldest/longest running of the villages.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 1/13/20

Lame duck session in effect, last week the full county board cancelled their meeting, this week Public Protection and Judiciary and no agenda for Health and Human Needs.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/21/23

County Board also has a very active week as the summer comes to a close. And doh! forgot to post this morning!

What did Will Say?

In the middle of the press conference the other day, I got distracted by something Will said . . .

Can people stay at Token Creek this winter?

I had to ask.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/10/20

County Board meeting, Public Health giving an update, redistricting and potential decision on size of the county board, and more.

Caprenters (Dual Endorse?) Parisi

Hmmm, looks like the carpenters didn't just endorse Wineke, but Parisi too?

Who’s Running in Spring Elections?

41 seats are available for County Board, Madison School Board and City Council.  People can start circulating nomination papers in 9 days!  Are you ready?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 9/14/20

Public Hearing on Dane County Human Services Budget, County Board meeting, redistricting, lake levels, mental health restoration center and more.

No Week Ahead!

Enjoy the government meeting free holiday week!  No city, county or school board meetings scheduled for next week!
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

8 meetings, County Board meeting will be at Vilas Zoo (insert your own joke here.)

Dane County Planning for Housing

This only happens once every 5 years, so Wednesday is the day to pay attention! What will Dane County put in its comprehensive plan for housing?