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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Who’s Filed for County Executive?

Officially, no one has the paperwork in to be on the ballot. And, there are five people who have filed paperwork aren't who you think they are. The one with the most paperwork filed isn't a name you've seen in the news.

Military Advertising on our Buses

This is why I voted against all this advertising - is this worth $10,000? Info I got from very helpful staff! The Wisconsin National Guard is...

Madison City Council Won’t Stand Up Against Citizen’s United?

Republican Party applauds them!!! What?! The Democrats on our City Council applauded by the Republicans?! I've been asked to explain and I can't. What happened, this should have been a slam dunk. Is it because the Council knows better than Mike McCabe and the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign? Or, they hate the Mayor? Or, they love the Chamber of Commerce and the Madison Area Builders Association?

County Board Budget Debate Heating Up!

I'm late to the party here, Executive Budget has been out for two weeks - public hearing tomorrow night in front of the entire county board and amendments will be flying through committees soon.  Here's the info you need to know!

Zach Brandon, A “Republican?”

Special thanks to the forwardlookout spy network for this one . . .
Round Up

Round Up!

It's been a while! Here's a few things that landed in front of me in the past week you might be interested in!  Alder community meetings, city updates, community events, free trainings, surveys, focus groups and open houses to give your local government input, etc.

Listen to the Children.

Our children, Madison children, experiencing homelessness. After you listen, give.

Hump Day Round Up . . .

For some, today is Friday . . .
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead

Retroactively approving $3,000,000 for food, homeless services contracts and small business loans.  Personnel & Finance, CDBG, Board of Health, County Board and more meeting this week.

Rep. Chris Taylor: F-35 military jets pushed by Corporate Interests

She compares efforts to bring F-35s to Madison to ALEC in how "big corporate special interests, through they wealth and power, often dominate policy making, to the great detriment of actual people." It's time to speak up!
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 10/10/22

A few committees doing budget this week and other things

A Sign of Things to Come

Sorry, no more services for the poor and people in need.