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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

County week ahead

County Week Ahead

Computer woes slowed me down, so I missed 2 meetings this week, but there are 17 more!  Including County Board meeting this week.

Dane County Board Recap

From Thursday night - the brief, final meeting of the year where they approve an additional $11M for jail consulting services, allow refugees in Dane County, mental health access center and more.

Recap: So, who got elected to Dane County Board leadership positions?

Last night the county board met to fill the positions of 1st Vice Chair and 2nd Vice chair.  Who won the elections?
covid-19 press conference

Madison and Dane County Sunday Press Conference on COVID-19 (Updated with order)

Today at 2:30 there is a press conference, you can watch it live here.  They will be announcing limiting gatherings to 50 in Dane County, more school closings and more.
jail protest

Join Jail Protest tomorrow!

Join the motorcade or help to circle the jail while practicing social distancing and making yourself heard! The Party for Socialism and Liberation - Madison...
dane county cARES act money

Where will the County $95M in CARES Act Funding go?

Nearly half of it will be already be publicly committed before the county board even meets to discuss it tonight.

Week of July 6th

Dylan and Brenda run down what's happening this week in local government
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/11/22

This weeks county meetings, several are going to hybrid format.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 10/26/20

Budget amendments are being presented to Personnel and Finance Committee this week.  Now is the time for public input - Health and Human Needs and Public Protection and Judiciary are on Wednesday.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 1/16/23

Couple cancelled meetings (Tree Board, Land Information Council), committee of the whole for County board on jail population, a declaration of emergency for Dec storm and one missing agenda!
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/26/21

PFAS, PFAS, PFAS and some other items on the agendas this week.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 2/26/24

No meetings on leap day!  That's what I expected to see.  7 meetings the rest of the week.