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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 1/3/22

A few more meetings than the city, but still a slow start to the new year.

Current Plan to Fininsh TIF Policy

Thanks to Chris Schmidt for shedding some light on the process and trying to make it more transparent.

Homeless: Damned if you do . . .

Wow. Occupy Madison found a piece of private property to move to, notified affected staff and elected officials, talked to the neighbors, did everything we were told to do, and now a week before we are to move, the property owner is being threatened with $11,460 in fines if we move there. I've been saying it for a while, but . . . there is NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!

Wanna Tour a Frank Lloyd Wright House Tonight at 6:00?

It's free! And I bet you never even knew the house was there!!! And, the house will be impacted by the two new developments proposed for Webster St (hotel and apartments)
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 3/13/23

Shipping jail inmates to other counties and such fun stuff this week!

The Right to be Publicly Critical

For nonprofit staff, that right is being denied or at least highly discouraged by the City (and County?).

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part I: Prioritize Chronically Homeless for...

HUD wants has some lofty goals of ending homelessness, some communities are taking this task very seriously. HUD is issuing statements about guidance of what they expect to see. In permanent supportive housing, HUD wants us to prioritize chronically homeless persons. Will we?

Is Today The Day Democracy Dies?

And then they came for democracy . . . Sounds dramatic and traumatic, but today is going to be an ugly day at the capital, perhaps worse than Act 10. While many people are focused on school vouchers, at the exact same time, something that has a much more far reaching effect, on everything, every issue that legislators and even local governments vote on.

Band Girlfriend Update!

Haven't done this for a while, but I have to admit, it's kinda cool to go to Triple M website and see Baghdad Scuba Review there . . . and there's some good shows coming up. I"m most excited about the show at the Majestic with Soul Shaker.

How Did the Air National Guard Respond to Madison’s Comments on F-35s?

How did the Air National Guard respond to the over 6,000 comments made by the public during the comment period for the Draft EIS?  I'm not impressed.

More Things Going on Around Town . . .

There was a lot, lot more . . . might have to do this again tomorrow!

Election Night Parties! (Updated)

Here's what I know, will update when I know more.