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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 2/22/21

Opposing F35s, Phosphorus in the lakes, Diversifying POS Agencies, Criminal Justice efforts, affordable housing and more.

A Homeless Person Sums It Up

This email came to me this morning and I thought it was a good summary of where we are at. Not my words, but someone experiencing it. From his perspective, things look really bleak going in to winter. Not necessarily new, but the promise of change, the hope of things getting better . . . may have made things worse for many.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/13/20

Lake levels, more funding/toys for the sheriff's office, budget discussions and department equity reports for budget.


We've been working on updating the community calendar we have, and you will start to see events there again. If you have events...

Homeless Services Consortium Recommendations for County Budget Tonight

Here's the recommendations of the City-County Homeless Issues Committee. In case you are going to the public hearing tonight, you might want to mention some of these needs. Please and thank you!

Week of April 27th

Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel and WORT host Dylan Brogan walk us through this week in (virtual) local government.  Development, development, development.

Dane County Board Jail Presentation

Last week the press started telling us the details of the 4 jail options. Thursday the County Board met in as a "Committee of the Whole" an hour before the County Board meeting to hear a presentation from Mead and Hunt (this blog post is primarily that meeting). Tonight, two county board committees are deciding which alternatives they want. Slam bam thank you mam and public input and racial equity analysis be damned.
round up

Tue-Thurs Round Up – April 14 -16

Three days worth of announcements, updates, petitions, etc. 

How to Close the Achievement Gap

There is no doubt that almost every agrees this is an issue for the school district. Just not on how to get there. Tonight we get to hear Dan Nehrad's take on it . . . in Fitchburg, where the buses don't run.

D. A. Complaint that was Filed on Open Meetings Violation

Here's a copy of the complaint. It names Jeff Fitzgerald, Scott Fitzgerald, Mike Ellis, Scott Suder and Doug LaFollette as defendants. And, it asks to find them in violation and make their action void.
round up

Round Up 1/23/20

Didja miss me?  3 trips to the ER and 2 admissions, but I'm back!  Here's a round up of a bunch of random that I didn't cover in the past week.

An Apology and Some Assistance!

Police Chief Noble Wary apologizes to the homeless people who had their things thrown out by the city, says they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. County Executive Moe Parisi and Mayor Paul Soglin allow Occupy to stay and are sending staff to help them find housing.