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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Election Day Voter’s Guide – Common Council (Finished, For Now)

Brenda's picks, websites, endorsements, election night parties and more . . . for those of you who are going to call or text or email me and ask me what to do, here you go!

Strangest Meeting Location Yet . . .

You know how I pick on the city from time to time about silly meeting faux pas . . . well, the county outdid them times 100! Check this out . . .

Behind on Demolition Updates

Here's the latest, from the last month for so, for what it is worth. 11 notices, mostly downtown.

Dane County Jail Consultants to get 197% Increase in Contracts

Madison, WI - $11M increase.  Extended project timeline, revisions to plans, different sub-consultants added to the cost.  A parting gift from 11 (or more?) outgoing supervisors.

(Most of) County Government Closed Til Friday

They were closed Monday, open today . . . and closed Wednesday and Thursday.

I Can’t Vote for Sheriff Mahoney

I can't do it, not based on his policy of calling ICE and the impact that has on the community. Not to mention, he's not exactly good with transparency for an elected official. But who to vote for . . .

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.

Injustice is a Powerful Motivator.

When will the county (i.e. County Executive Joe Parisi) realize that? They are so determined to just screw with homeless people - what is their motivation? See my email I just sent fueled by injustice.

(Tenatative) County Board Budget Schedule

I don't know that this exactly makes sense, but here it is . . . 2012 BUDGET – TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (REVISED)

Homeless and Affordable Housing Advocated needed Tomorrow!

So, I send out one of these emails for the Affordable Housing Action Alliance and another person sent out the other from Occupy Madison/Activist...

Mega Round Up

I hate it when I take a few days off from blogging . . . I never know how much to try to catch...

Walker FAIL! 2 – 1

Building a Stronger Wisconsin Poll Finds Voters Overwhelmingly Think Walker has Gone Too Far in Proposals Related to Public Employees