The County Week Ahead
Here's my shot at it, with little information easily accessible to guide me . . .
RETHREADS: Benefit for the Respite Center
Who can pass up Sreamin' Cyn Cyn and the Pons at the High Noon? It is for a good cause.
Dane County Turns 175 in 2011
A day late, but interesting none-the-less.
Some Beaches Closed
I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.
Cool Rainy Late Friday Round Up
The short work week is nearly over and the plants are getting watered.
A Cowards Call to Arms
Steve King didn't hold back when he talked about the opponents of Shiva Bidar-Sielaffs resolution on immigration that passed the council unanimously. And they are fighting back.
Breaking News: MPO Releases High Speed Rail Money
Thanks for the update from former Alder Robbie Webber.
Breaking: Madison City Council Passes Immigration Resolution
Wow! Unanimous vote for Immigration resolution. Solomon, Sandborn, Clausius, Schumacher and Pham-Remmele absent. Compton co-sponsored even.
Hispanic Family Attacked
Wow, this kind of makes you stop and think . . .
How long did it take for someone to call the police? ...
The County Board Short Week Ahead
I hate doing these more and more every week, because you can't tell much from their agendas
Call to Stop Parachute Jump in Middleton
Veterans Call for Cancellation of Planned Middleton High School
Paratrooper Parachute Drop into Student Pep Assembly
Veterans for Peace (VFP) is calling...
This Side of Town is Moving . . .
No worries, it will still be This Side of Town, it will just be be at . . . Forward Lookout. We're hoping...