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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

round up

Round Up May 25 – 28

Salvation Army shelter and alder updates, what city committee meetings can and can't meet, protests, meeting info and more.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 7/27/20

Only 5 meetings and all their meetings are on Monday and Tuesday.

This week the County discusses Criminal Justice Reform AND Criminal Justice Reform

Which flavor of criminal justice reform do you support?   Which one does your county board supervisor support? Two different committees this week will discuss.

Week of 12/14/20

Brenda Konkel from forwardlookout.com and WORT's Dylan Brogan preview local government meeting in Dane County and Madison.

Dane County – 10 Supervisors not running for re-election

County Board shake up in the works!  At least 10 new people will be on the board, and potentially up to 18 of the 37 supervisors.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/7/23

Plenty of county meetings this week, 1 oddly blank agenda.