Immigration Task Force Draft Recommendations (Final)
Ok - the committee is getting nearly done with their work. They have a list of 11 recommendations and they are working on...
Gypsy Moth Spraying
Info from the County Parks Department including a map and spraying areas plus a hotline you can sign up for to get electronic notices...
Renting from Apex: Where do you pay the rent?
Apparently, Apex Property Management and Anchor Bank are in a dispute, and their tenants are caught in the middle. To make...
Update on High Speed Rail – From Alder Rummel
This is information that she sent to her neighborhood listserves, but I think others may be interested as well. Input needed in the...
County (Elect New Committee Chairs) Week Ahead
Lots of guessing here . . . hard to tell with the lack of information available on the internet and other information not easy...
People’s Affordable Housing Vision Near Completion!
If you want to come and help finalize it and sign on, let us know!Access to safe, adequate and affordable housing is a human...