Week of 12/14/20
Brenda Konkel from forwardlookout.com and WORT's Dylan Brogan preview local government meeting in Dane County and Madison.
Week of 12/7/20
As it happens, a lot of closed sessions meetings this week. Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel joins WORT's Dylan Brogan to preview local government meetings and agendas.
Dane County Week Ahead 12/7/20
County meetings this week - also a robust schedule!
Dane County Week Ahead 11/23/20
5 meetings this week at the county.
Week of 11/9/20
Big budget meetings this week in Dane County and Madison. Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel and WORT's Dylan Brogan preview this week in local government.
Dane County Week Ahead 11/9/20
It's budget week at the county too! They may finish tonight, if not they'll be back on Wednesday.
Updates on Occupy Madison Tiny House Village at Wiggies (1901 Aberg Ave)
I blogged this yesterday at Occupy Madison, but what we accomplished in 3.5 weeks (and years of preparation) bears repeating.
Week of 10/26/20
The lovely Chali Pittman fills in for Dylan Brogan so you'll be spared the bad jokes!
Dane County Week Ahead 10/26/20
Budget amendments are being presented to Personnel and Finance Committee this week. Now is the time for public input - Health and Human Needs and Public Protection and Judiciary are on Wednesday.
3 ways to help the Wiggies Tiny House Village (OM North) this week!
There is a council meeting tonight for zoning, county meeting Thursday for funding and of course, there is always fundraising!
Sad News – Dane County Supervisor Paul Rusk passed away
From the Dane County Board press release:
Dane County Week Ahead 10/5/20
Budget meetings on the County Executive's budget put out just last week - you've read the whole thing, right?