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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools

Still Here! Tiny House Village Updates

I got a little distracted this week . . . for a good cause!

Manski Out.

Groan. Um, would have been nice to know this three days ago - in the interest of "honesty and transparency". And democracy. And...
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

How much should County Board Supervisors and their Chair get paid, Zoo Budget, should they release report on why we can't add floors to the Dane County Jail, several reports and updates on criminal justice system matters, CDBG funding decisions and more.

City Snubs Tenants – 50% of its residents

Last November, 6 months ago, the state passed a law removing many of the tenant protections in Madison. In March, they passed another bill eliminating tenant rights and increasing landlord rights. With a 2% vacancy rate right now, its a housing crisis for people looking for housing, rents are increasing at alarming rates and the city is doing what?

Election Day Advice! (Updated)

Go vote! Tell your friends to vote! Tell your family to vote! Tell your co-workers to vote! Take someone to vote with you when you go vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! (and here's who I would vote for . . .)

Iced In (by Mary Jo Walters)

Make some calls, get updated, ask, when will Marijuana be legal in Wisconsin?
heavy rain

Dane County Monitoring Forecasts of Heavy Rains

Dane County Press release regarding flooding . . . nothing to see here folks . . .

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

One week after Parisi released his budget, several committees already have budget amendments (not attached) on their agendas. F-35s discussed by EOC and Equity and Inclusion. Listening session on homeless budget.

County Thumbs Up, City Thumbs Down

The benches are back! Thanks especially the County Board Supervisors and County Executive Parisi - for doing the right thing. Now, where were the alders? And why were they returned?
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

Community Justice Center discussion, long Zoning agenda including Tyrol Basin, equity plans, Specialized Transportation budget, Kassel Sister City and more.