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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Parisi Threatens Lawsuit over CARPC’s 21% tax increase

'Dem is fightin' words! He sounds like he means business!

Open Forum On Tenant’s Rights Tonight

Tonight, March 29, at 5:30 pm at the Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd Floor) in Union South. there will be an open forum on the past and future of tenants rights in Wisconsin.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/18/22

Not much for the county board this week - but the new supervisors will get sworn in on Tuesday!

Bizarro E-mail?!

Wow. Occupy has been camping in the parks for quite some time (a year), but I've never seen anything like this . . . the campers I talked to had no idea what this is about . . . and I'm kinda creeped out by it.

Legal Obstacles to County Board Exercising It’s Authority.

The most offensive thing about this memo is that it was written 5 days before the meeting, yet not shared with the public or the lead sponsor. With staff like this . . . who needs political enemies.

Parisi on TV: The official announcement

I scooped them on their own story by accident . . .

Brandon’s Radical Idea #4

Had to get it in yet this month . . . just barely.

County (Elect New Committee Chairs) Week Ahead

Lots of guessing here . . . hard to tell with the lack of information available on the internet and other information not easy...

City Attorney Response to Overture Alternate, Alternate

i.e. the Schmidt/Bidar-Sielaff version that labor is supporting. I bolded the highlights for you. Since I'm throwing so much at you this morning....

County Board Letter Against F35s

Hmmm, a letter, but not a resolution I wonder who will all sign on? Sounds like they don't want to bring an action before the board and be forced to listen to people impacted by this.

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Near Completion!

If you want to come and help finalize it and sign on, let us know!Access to safe, adequate and affordable housing is a human...

Whoa, What Just Happened?

Occupy. Summons, Complaint, Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Brief in Support filed, parties served (they deny it), hearing held, no order issued but an agreement reached that people can stay past noon on Monday (til 4:00), structures (hoophouses) can stay til Wedensday at noon no matter what and after a hearing on Monday at 4:00 they may be able to stay even longer!