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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

heavy rain

Dane County Monitoring Forecasts of Heavy Rains

Dane County Press release regarding flooding . . . nothing to see here folks . . .

Parisi’s Appearance – A little Defensive!

This was the first time most people had an opportunity to interact with our County Executive Joe Parisi - here is video of his committee testimony (without my snark) and the beginning (the rockier part) of the 1.5 hour discussion in the hallway, it did get better are this, but he didn't like the video taping.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings

A smattering of random things going on around town.
mo' meetings and round up

Mo Meetings and Round Up

So irritating that before 9am there are already new city meetings posted that weren't there Friday afternoon . . . and a smattering of other things going on around town . . .

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...

Tiny Victory for Tiny Houses! (Now with Audio)

Alders Marsha Rummel, Ledell Zellers, Larry Palm, Lisa Subeck and Mike Verveer have proposed an ordinance that would allow tiny homes to be parked somewhere besides the streets. That ordinance went to plan commission last night and was unanimously approved! Plan commission struggled a bit, were unsatisfied with this as a solution, but in the end, knew this was better than nothing, but we were in need of better solutions. Good respectful discussion with a bit of frustration over there not being a bigger and better on-going plan to address the problem.
Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

A couple cancelled meetings and meetings at 9am, 12:15pm and 12:15pm.

Dignity Village

This is the oldest/longest running of the villages.
Round Up

Round Up (and one more city meeting!)

A few things going on around town you should know about . . . extra city meeting, mayoral forum, cops in schools, Venezuela, lake levels, free tax help, overture call for artists and help needs to pass state expungement laws!

Stunning Housing News

Wait lists are so long for public housing they are closing the housing lists as of March 1st. I haven't seen it this bad in the 20 years I've been working in housing.

Weekly Local News Round Up

My "round ups" have seen various formats and content over the years.  Here's what I hope to become a weekly round up of local government news from the past week.  Things I don't have time to blog about, but that should be on your radar screen.

The Social Justice Center Thanks YOU!

Wow, thanks to everyone who made the dedication of the Nan Cheney Community Room such a wonderful event! Check out the video and please help thank everyone who made it happen! No more squeaky chairs!