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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Wanna Tour a Frank Lloyd Wright House Tonight at 6:00?

It's free! And I bet you never even knew the house was there!!! And, the house will be impacted by the two new developments proposed for Webster St (hotel and apartments)

Long Overdue Round Up, Part II

Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...

Blogger Break

Um . . . I got nothin'. Or, almost nuthin'.

Jim Carrier: Is Rhythm & Booms Worth the Cost?

This was in the Cap Times yesterday, but is worth repeating.

McDonell Endorsed by Affordable Housing Action Alliance

Only Scott McDonell and Joe Parisi sought the endorsement and Scott McDonell's answers were more substantial came out far ahead. That, along with his record of working on these issues put him over the top. Check out their answers.

It was a long day yesterday

I took the day off and spent it with Occupy folks, and here's all the updates. Short story: County said they had to be out by noon. They didn't budge. Nothing happened. Homeless Services Consortium groups admit no one has rooms available for people who are homeless. Services simply don't exist.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 2/5/24

I didn't spot any really big topics, but plenty of stuff going on this week with some full agendas.

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

Want to help the homeless. Raise awareness and do something practical - that could help save a life this winter.

What passed the Council Regarding Occupy

I hope this is right, I think it is . . .
Round Up

Round Up – Monday, October 28

A little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Updates, alerts, community meetings, etc.

Congressman Mark Pocan Calls for Further Noise Testing of F-35s

"Today, I formally request the Air Force in coordination with the 115th Fighter Wing test the F-35 flight pattern at Truax Air National Guard Base. Specifically, the Air Force should conduct a take-off and landing of the F-16 and the F-35 planes so community members will have a more accurate understanding of the noise impact from the F-35 mission."  
state of emergency extended

Dane County extended State of Emergency means . . .

2 different staff people explain, this extends county ability to get federal funding reimbursements through July 15th - the "safer at home" order still expires May 26th.