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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Military Advertising on our Buses

This is why I voted against all this advertising - is this worth $10,000? Info I got from very helpful staff! The Wisconsin National Guard is...


Given the new perspective I have gotten working on the ground with homeless persons in the last few years, I don't even know where to begin with the list of things I am grateful for - because just the smallest things we all take for granted - like being able to change out of wet socks when I step in a puddle and then warm up - have all taken on new meaning. And with the recent Race to Equity report, I've relearned what a privilege it is to be white in this community. So I can't really make that list, but here is one good example of what I am thankful for, for so many reasons.

Crazy Occupy Weekend Recap

I can't believe this all happened in 72 hours . . . this is really insane. I can't believe how out of control things have gotten and how absurd it all is. Here we go . . . you're not going to believe all this!

More Indignities – Head Lice and the Homeless

Who will help them? As far as I can tell - no one . . . except a couple volunteers from a community group not funded by the city or a staff member from a church.

Surface Bubble – By Mary Jo Walters

The Mary P. Burke, 'The Bubbler' is where the Madison Public Library's Central location polling station is located. If true, does that mean that her name will have to be covered up on voting days?

Things Going on Around Town

Still trying to clear out my email . . . here's a bit, I have a bunch more!

Hey, Let’s Change TIF Policy . . . AGAIN!

I've been hearing rumors of this, saw an email that went out last week, and now we have the official word from the mayor . . .

Occupy vs. Dane Co. Parks = Mischief Managed

Ok, I guess all is good now. ?

Details on Free Cab Rides to the Polls!

Thank you Union Cab! And now Badger Cab too! I'm sending in my donation!

Scott McDonell for County Clerk

I wrote a long explanation of why Scott McDonell has my enthusiastic support for County Clerk in a discussion on a list serve. Facebook...

If section 8 isn’t income . . .

Then how is it that SB107/Wisconsin Act 108 which restricts the city and county from having ordinances prohibiting landlords use of monthly household income purportedly negates our section 8 ordinances at the city and county level?