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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Overture vs. Community Services Contracts

I keep hearing the Overture contract will be like the non-profit contracts. Cool . . . lets do it! Give us the same deal!

Kathleen Falk: Governor’s Budget Math Inaccurate, Incomplete

Walker's fuzzy math?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 9/27/21

Final vote on county redistricting maps and a whole lot more this week.

Let’s GoGo!!!!!

Please help spread the word, it is just as important as donating at this point!

Madison and Dane County Week Ahead

There are two local government meetings this week at the City of Madison, Madison School Board and Dane County Board . . . that we know of.

What You Need to Know if you are going to Miffland

Here's info that I've been told as one of the volunteers that you might like to know if you're going to Miffland tomorrow.

Petition Away!

After a full year of the City of Madison blocking electronic petitions, the signatures should start going through today! Yay! Unfortunately, how we got here was a little ugly

Weekend, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Not in the News Round Up

Um, I'm horribly far behind and all this stuff is just sitting in a draft folder, so I'm just getting this out there, done or not

Dane County Board Supervisors: Job Center re-opening jeopardizes workers

Here is the letter of concern they wrote to Madison and Dane County Public Health Director Janel Heinrich.

Dane County Day Center to Provide for Basic Needs Proposed

Homeless Day Center!

Federal Housing Counseling Money Gone!

Once upon a time (about 7 years ago), the Tenant Resource Center got $60K for housing counseling from the federal government to run a statewide toll-free line. Then it went to $40K, then $25K, then $20K, then $0, then $20K and now back to $0. And now, no chance of getting any money, because the entire program has been zeroed out in the federal budget. Check out what will be lost!

Dane County Board Jail Presentation

Last week the press started telling us the details of the 4 jail options. Thursday the County Board met in as a "Committee of the Whole" an hour before the County Board meeting to hear a presentation from Mead and Hunt (this blog post is primarily that meeting). Tonight, two county board committees are deciding which alternatives they want. Slam bam thank you mam and public input and racial equity analysis be damned.