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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

round up

Round Up – 3/17/20 ( EXTREMELY UPDATED!)

Things are flying at me so quickly and there are so many things to report, much of it is getting dumped here if it is not included in the basic needs guide or the Konkel Round Up news aggregation.  Both those resources are being updated as quickly as I can!  See end of the post for actions you can take from home!
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/19/21

How will the county spend the $106M coming to Dane County?  Find out Thursday night!

No Guard, No Involuntary Commitment, No Services

Minor tweaks to the City County Building rules that probably won't do much different than what is already happening in the building - except make people feel like they are doing something. Of course, it all sounded good last night, but lets see how it gets implemented.

Three Important Events This Week

Ok, besides the event at the Labor Temple (see details below) . . . that makes four.

Tenant Resource Center Housing Law Seminars

Coming to an area near you!

City and County Week Ahead

One meeting
dane county sepnd $95M

County Board a “rubber stamp” for $95M?

Tonight the Personnel and Finance Committee will meet to discuss several items but among them is spending FEMA emergency funds and $95M in CARES funding, but the decisions have already been made and the funding is already being spent.

Volunteer to help Tenants (and Landlords) in need!

Tenant Resource Center is looking for volunteers!

Joe Parisi: Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech

And Joe Parisi's answer to: Do you support a referendum on restricting corporate contributions in campaigns. Why, or why not?

Months Later . . . City Attorney’s Office Chimes In

Finally! The official word. These tenant/landlord laws changed December 21st - now here's the city attorney's interpretation. And they seem to have changed their mind on Section 8.

Dane County Redistricting is Coming!

I wrote about redistricting knowing that it is coming up "soon", then meetings got cancelled and it wasn't on the agenda for the next meeting to follow up.  Here's what was discussed that was not in the minutes from the January meetings.  

Unions, Enviros, Non-profits, Faith Communities and Allies United!

Message to our elected officials: Go ahead, charge us a fee for our cars and find other alternatives to prevent drastic cuts to the Dane County Budget. We will support you!