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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

round up

Round Up May 13 – 18

Ya caught me slackin'.  Here's the various round ups and information that doesn't merit its own post (heads up - it's long!), plus a little bit of random musings from me.

Week of 5/18/20

Important meetings and agenda items this week in Madison, Dane County and the Madison school district. With Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel and WORT's Dylan Brogan
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 5/18/20

8 meetings, jail consolidation committee updates, $3.5M for childcare, what will county spend its COVID-19 money on, redistricting and more.
round up

Round Up May 10 – 12

Here's another round up of rounds up and additional city and county announcements you may be interested in.

County Budget Instructions from Executive Joe Parisi

Sometimes I just hate repeating the propaganda . . . but here it is . . . will the jail be going forward? 
round up

May 6 – 9 Round Up

One more week and I'm free from my consulting job and will have only one full-time job and Forward Lookout!  Then blogging can "return to normal"!
dane county week ahead

Dane County Board Week Ahead 5/11/20

County Board back in full swing!  Only one cancelled meeting.  They've figured it out, just make sure you register 30 minutes before the meeting if you want to participate.

Week of May 4

Dylan Brogan joins Brenda Konkel from Forward Lookout to team up again to let you know what is in the week ahead - city, county and schools!
state of emergency extended

Dane County extended State of Emergency means . . .

2 different staff people explain, this extends county ability to get federal funding reimbursements through July 15th - the "safer at home" order still expires May 26th.
dane county sepnd $95M

County Board a “rubber stamp” for $95M?

Tonight the Personnel and Finance Committee will meet to discuss several items but among them is spending FEMA emergency funds and $95M in CARES funding, but the decisions have already been made and the funding is already being spent.
round up

Weekend Round Up – May 1 – 3

Alder and bike updates, F-16 night flights, water main flushing and that's about it for the weekend.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead

Retroactively approving $3,000,000 for food, homeless services contracts and small business loans.  Personnel & Finance, CDBG, Board of Health, County Board and more meeting this week.