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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

The Great Cookie Caper!

I received this email from a local Village resident(thanks for putting me on the mailing list). While I am not surprised that one...

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown

Do you work 70 hours a week?

Why Not Just Tell Us?

Ok, why won't anyone say where the $50,000 for operating and $75,000 for renovating the day center is coming from. My first ever open records request denial - after about 20 years of submitting them without problems.

Occupy: Not As Soglin Says

I can't believe how irresponsible Soglin is being in talking about the Occupy site. I wish he had visited it to see for himself and taken the time to meet some of the people staying there and find out about who they are, so he'd know how offensive his statements are

County Board Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner: Human Rights Crisis and We are Responsible

Kick ass email! I wonder if she got any responses. I suspect not.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day Events Coming Up

From the King Coaltion . . . plus additional events.

Open Forum On Tenant’s Rights Tonight

Tonight, March 29, at 5:30 pm at the Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd Floor) in Union South. there will be an open forum on the past and future of tenants rights in Wisconsin.

Summer is Over County Week Ahead

Three days of meetings as well, but none yesterday, so I procrastinated til today.

Yard Sign Wars!

Since people are thinking about elections today (If you're not, you should be! Don't forget to vote!) I thought I'd post some information about when and where a tenant and when a landlord can post yard signs.