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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Those Numbers . . .

I keep rattling off the numbers, and everyone wants them, so here they are . . .

Common Sense Housing Investment Act! (UPDATED)

Thank Congressman Mark Pocan for being the sixth Congressman to sign on as a co-sponsor.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part I

And they are passionate about it - I haven't quite figured out why its so important for them to get the homeless out of the City-County Building, but they are determined. And holy crap, I forgot about the Sargent vs O'Lauglin divergent views of the county. Do we have stockholders we need to watch out for? Or are we a community with a safety net? Or will we build an island for misfit toys to put people on?

Overture Amendments

The "Plan B" or private-private model, which is still a public-private model has a few issues yet to resolved. As many as the first model, I suspect. The council has just 21 recommendations for changes. If this takes as long as budget, they'll be there for a good 7 hours or more on just this item alone.

WYOU Moving On . . .

This is what has been distracting me all week, (I'm on the board of WYOU as well as being a producer) . . . laying off three very good people and trying to figure out what needs to be done to keep the station running. What the station will become in this new era is up to us! If you want to help, let me know! And, hey, if you can donate, please do. It's more important than ever!

Sign the Landlord Pledge?

If you were a landlord or are one, would you sign the pledge?

Where Should the Homeless Go?

Madison still wants to know! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you?

I’m So Disappointed in Kelda Helen Roys

And it appears, I'm not alone. Fellow legislators call on her to clean up her act! Legislators Call on Rep. Roys to End False...

10am Thursday, Hearing on Landlord Bill

Yeah, it doesn't even have a bill number yet!

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.

Lake Levels Recommendations

The Yahara Chain of Lakes – Lake Levels Task Force meets tonight at 5:00 City-County Building – Room 354 to discuss Draft Task Force Recommendations Here's what they will be discussing tonight.

I Suck Round Up

Sigh, I suck. Sorry, here's my attempts to get back to doing this . . . some older things might get snuck in for the rest of the week as I catch up . . .