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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

state of emergency

What does a Wisconsin, Dane County or Madison “State of Emergency” do?

I have found few people who can tell me anything except what most think of - calling up the National Guard and FEMA money from the federal government.  What else?
dane county board to meet remotely

Dane County Board to Meet Remotely Thursday

County Board staff sent out an email with the following instructions for committees as well as notification that they will test the use of "go to meeting" to be used for the county board meeting on Thursday.
covid-19 press conference

Madison and Dane County Sunday Press Conference on COVID-19 (Updated with order)

Today at 2:30 there is a press conference, you can watch it live here.  They will be announcing limiting gatherings to 50 in Dane County, more school closings and more.
dane county basic needs guide

Coronavirus: Meeting Basic Needs in Dane County

Being homeless, one paycheck away from being evicted or not being able to put food on the table in good times is hard in Dane County.  Coronavirus is shutting down programs and suspending supports for those in need.
meetings by phone

Madison and Dane County Plans for Government Meetings by Phone

The Common Council will meet on Tuesday and the County Board will meet on Thursday.  They both have plans to pass ordinances allowing them to meet by phone.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead – 3/16/20 (Updated)

3 - 5 of the 10 meetings cancelled.  County Board and Executive Committee meetings still scheduled.
dane county human services planning vision next

Dane County Human Services “Vision: Next” planning process

Is Dane County Human Services "Vision: Next" planning process another good sign of change coming from Dane County.  Sort of?  Hopefully?

Dane County Suspends Evictions (Cases) for a Month!

Order came out today saying that Dane County Small Claims Court cases are suspended for a month.
corona virus and county meetings

County & Coronavirus: Skype and Fully Remote Meetings?

Just 10 minutes after I posted about coronavirus and putting local government engagement plans on steroids, County Board Analeise Eicher sent out the County Board's current plans.
coronavirus and local government

Coronavirus: An Opportunity to Enhance Local Government Engagement? (Updated)

Could coronavirus put local government's plans to make government more accessible on steroids? 

Week of March 9, 2020

The long version of what you can hear every Monday on WORT's evening news - the chatty version.

Evening F-16 flights at Dane County Airport this week

With the decision about the F-35s looming over the community, this seems like an odd choice.  Feels like they are taunting us at this point.