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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

round up

Round Up – Wednesday 3/25/19

Alder, elections and Homeless Services Consortium Round Ups, Metro Driver with COVID-19, police stations close, democratic process shut down concerns, housing and homeless updates and much more. 
homeless wait . . .

And still, the homeless shelters wait . . .

The shelters need more space for people to be able to appropriately "social distance" and to meet basic needs, people without homes are being forced to risk their health.
airport noise

Dane County Airport Noise Complaint Form Useless

I've filled out the noise report form on 4 occasions and never once gotten a response - and neither have many others.
public health dane county madison update

Madison/Dane County Press Conference on COVID-19

A summary of what Madison, Dane County and the Public Health Department are doing due to coronavirus and reminders to the public.
cdc advice on homeless populations

CDC Advice for Homeless Populations

This is the press release from the National Law Center  on Homelessness and Poverty that says what we should be doing in our community, according to the CDC.
homeless and coronavirus

Updates on Madison/Dane County homeless services amid COVID-19

Homeless services are not subject to the state and Madison/Dane County Public Health orders limited gathering to 10 or more people, instead, homeless people are being forced to congregate to get life sustaining needs met - food, shelter, etc.
residents denied input

County Board Cuts off Public Input on Health Care of Jail Inmates

Several residents of Dane County tried to bring their concerns to their elected officials on Thursday and were denied.  And the Public Protection and Judiciary meeting is cancelled this week. How do residents communicate with their elected officials in the world of coronavirus?
virtual dane county board meeting

How’d that Virtual Dane County Board Meeting Go?

Dane County Board had a 46 minute virtual meeting where they have a 10 minute roll call, cut off members of the public for not being germane, allow virtual committee meetings and delay seizures of properties for not paying taxes.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 3/23/20

Who knew public hearings would still be going on?  County has 3 meetings this week.
round up

Madison Area Round Up – 3/19/20

Mostly housing and homelessness related today . . . most other immediate needs issues have been resolved or are on their way. 
county board meet remotely

Dane County Board to Meet Remotely on Thursday

The county figured it out before the city?  Not what I expected! Here's the details of how you want access the meeting.
round up

Round Up – 3/17/20 ( EXTREMELY UPDATED!)

Things are flying at me so quickly and there are so many things to report, much of it is getting dumped here if it is not included in the basic needs guide or the Konkel Round Up news aggregation.  Both those resources are being updated as quickly as I can!  See end of the post for actions you can take from home!