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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Tenants Have Rights in Foreclosure!

Hmmm . . . I didn't have much/anything to do with this, but its good info to know!

Homeless Life Line Might Die?

Oh dear, you have no idea how vital the "Obama phones" are to people on the street, and Friday there will be a hearing to discontinue the program - please sign this petition.

The Next Homeless Emergency – All Week? (Updated – 1)

Bad weather coming up next week (or weeks?), no plans. -30 windchill predicted on Tuesday and no one works over the weekend to coordinate plans. cold

I went to Jail for Justice . . .

Didn't actually find any . . . but didn't expect to. The media didn't cover our other good works/news/the rally, but they did cover people being arrested. And, it must have been the right thing to do . . . as we were able to help a friend out in the process.

Weekend and Monday’s Capitol Events

Monday is the anniversary of when Dr. Martin Luther King got shot, so the unions are pulling out the stops and wanting to get everyone to the capitol in a Memphis to Madison rally. Here's the events they are promoting. And some others I think are of interest. And please, ask your favorite local candidate what kind of help they need this weekend, Monday and Tuesday as they struggle to get the word about about their candidacy with all these distractions.

Candidates! (5:00 pm Update)

I'll update this throughout the day. The deadline is at 5:00 today. Yesterday, there were three new candidates that filed, one against Marsha Rummel, two against Brian Solomon. And yes, Solomon filed yesterday, the only incumbent left . . . Paul Skidmore.

Board of Estimates Recap

Sorta live blogged (I'm not a fan!) so I can go to Plan next . . .

Occupy Update

Today is day four of being back at the 800 E Washington site and the police or other city departments have not been back to ask people to leave or inspect the camp.

OM House News, Fundraiser Tonight, How You Can Help

Occupy Madison Inc. is working hard to create OM House (housing cooperative) and is working on other projects like OM Works (worker cooperative) to create opportunities for housing and work for those who currently are struggling in this economy. We hope you can join us for our fundraiser tonight!

Decarcerate Dane! Panel Discussion Tonight

6:30 Central Library - M Adams (Freedom Inc, Black Lives Matter), Janie Ocejo (Madison Urban Ministry), Pam Oliver (scholar on racial disparities in criminal justice) and County Board Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner!

TIF . . . Change our Policies or Not?

The Economic Development Commission recommended a bunch of changes last spring, the council created an ad hoc committee which has been meeting since July to review the recommendations and it seems they are contemplating some changes, but maybe not all those recommended by the Economic Development Commission . . . lets catch up with that conversation. Is the candy store wide open with no one there to guard it? Or are the EDC recommendations falling a little flat.

Lice . . . A week later . . .

Follow up to this, not much has changed. Apparently, its a public health problem enough to send out an email . . . but not enough to actually solve the problem. I don't get it