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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

TRC Board Rarely Speaks Out About Legislation

But not this time! AB183 Will Harm Both Tenants and Landlords - Tenant Resource Center Board of Directors Speaks Out in Opposition of Bill Being Voted on Tomorrow

No response from Dane County to my open records requests

So, I'm trying to figure out how the Personnel and Finance Committee hears a whole bunch of information about all kinds of budget amendments then goes away and comes back with a tidy package exactly balanced and has no discussion.  Where is that discussion happening?

Big Surprise.

Not. Who didn't see this coming. After further consultation with the public, yeah, sure. Which Monona Terrace Station do you want is not much of a choice.

County Budget Woes

Talk about setting yourself up for failure, you knew the 2.9% increase was too good to be true. Check out some of these...

Tenant’s Rights Attack – 33 more changes!

Late yesterday afternoon we learned of the newest attack on tenant rights. I gotta admit, when the Republicans attack tenants, they do it completely and thoroughly - and the particularly hate Madison, Fitchburg and Dane County tenants. Check out the long list of things they will be changing if successful.

Jim Carrier: Is Rhythm & Booms Worth the Cost?

This was in the Cap Times yesterday, but is worth repeating.

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/9/21

Not many county meetings this week - 7.  Reports, budget recommendations, redistricing and who wins district 20 election.

City and County Affordable Housing Fund Debates Thursday

This is it!  The new alders all ran for office saying they wanted to work on affordable housing.  This is our big opportunity, $11 million dollars will be spent.  Will it make a huge difference, or be more of the same old, same old?  Will we see big radical meaningful changes?

The County Board Short Week Ahead

I hate doing these more and more every week, because you can't tell much from their agendas TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2010 5:45 p.m. ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURE &...

Week of August 10, 2020

Brenda Konkel and Dylan Brogan discuss what is up in the week ahead in local government meetings.
dane county cARES act money

Where will the County $95M in CARES Act Funding go?

Nearly half of it will be already be publicly committed before the county board even meets to discuss it tonight.