Evening F-16 flights at Dane County Airport this week
With the decision about the F-35s looming over the community, this seems like an odd choice. Feels like they are taunting us at this point.
Dane County to start audio recording meetings!
What a difference leadership makes at the county board level! For years leadership fought efforts to record meetings. Now, standing committees on the county board will be! Transparency and accountability!
Dane County Week Ahead 3/9/20
F-35s resolution, update on PFAS public meeting, jail needs two more change orders and more.
Who Signed on to the County F-35 Resolution?
The County board only sent letters for the draft EIS, this time they have a resolution before the county board.
Week of March 2, 2020
Audio version of the three Week Ahead Posts and longer version than you will hear on WORT 89.9 on the Monday evening news.
“Informal” City-County Homeless Shelter Committee Exposed
This morning Dean Mosiman from the State Journal had an excellent article about the "barely humane" men's homeless shelter. But did it expose illegal meetings by the "informal" city-county homeless shelter committee? And what exactly is this committee doing? Here's what I found out.
Does Dane County Census Office need more workers?
Elected officials keep talking about the census jobs they need to fill. Question is, do they need more people to apply, or do they just need to process the applications they have?
Dane County Week Ahead – 3/2/20
Updating public input rules, how many supervisors should they have after redistricting (currently 37), land purchases, AirBnB ordinance and more.
Rep. Chris Tayor and Community Response to Final EIS on F-35s
At 10:30 today there was a press conference where Rep. Chris Taylor and community leaders spoke about the final Envionrmental Impact Statement on the F-35s and what is said, or didn't say!
Local Government Ignores the Basics of Resident Engagement
This week the City of Madison agendas are a mess, the county only posts some agendas on-line, School Board meets in closed session more often than open and doesn't have minutes for months, and the School Board, City and County have been posting meeting a day or two before the meeting.
Dane County has ZERO paid lobbyists registered in 2020
In 2019 there were only 3 registrations from 2 organizations. In 2018 there were 3 registrations all from the same organization.
Dane County Redistricting is Coming!
I wrote about redistricting knowing that it is coming up "soon", then meetings got cancelled and it wasn't on the agenda for the next meeting to follow up. Here's what was discussed that was not in the minutes from the January meetings.