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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Get your Norwegian on!

Krumkake, lefse and . . .no luteisk?

BREAKTHROUGH! Parisi Talks! And Listens!

Yesterday was yet another amazing day in the saga of the fight for homeless rights and the Occupy saga. (photo by Jen Thompson)

The Mayor Said What?!

He loves to stick his foot in his mouth. "Mayor suggests involuntarily commitment for homeless at Occupy site". Knowing the people there,...

County Board Will Address Occupy/Homelessness Too!

Thanking Occupy and creating the same committee the city did . . . despite council concerns that they wouldn't. They can't really fix what the council did, since they don't control the land that Occupy is on, but they're doing what they can.

Wow, Racist Bar Policies Ok with Police and Mayor?

I'm not even talking R Place. I'm talking about the policies where you have to have a state DRIVER'S LICENSE (ID not ok) or...

Hulsey Really Blows It – Not Trustworthy.

Spencer Black rethinking his endorsement. Kristin has a big chunk of the story. Here's the latest statement: Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 9:24...

Where Do You Buy Your Healthy Food?

Hope to see you tonight . . .

Grinch Award.

To Dane County . . . check out this wonderful work.

First Draft: Who Will Live at OM House?

One of the biggest issues raised at the community meeting is wanting to know who will be living in the house. There are 8 rooms for 20 people. But how will we decide who lives there. We essentially explained the membershipping process, but that wasn't satisfactory, so here is a first draft in writing of how we will decide. Now, we need the community's help to let us know if there is something missing. Let the feedback begin!

How is this Supposed to Work?

I ask again, can you imagine being homeless in this weather - where temperatures are going to be cold enough that after 10 minutes outside you can get frostbite. A permanent, comprehensive day center is what we need. We desperately need it for the beginning of next week. A van carrying 15 people at a time can't possible help the over 200 single men and women experiencing homelessness - and that doesn't count the families.

Davin Pickell: I Love Bluephies!

But, our family will not be coming back to Bluephies**

Let’s GoGo!!!!!

Please help spread the word, it is just as important as donating at this point!