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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Tenant Resource Center Welcomes Robin Sereno and an Apology!

Nearly a year after I was forced out of my 27 year career with the Tenant Resource Center (23 years as Executive Director), they have hired a new Executive Director! And, I got an apology.

Local Government News Round Up

This is a bit late, I got into a gardening project or two last week and abandoned all thoughts of blogging, but it was half done, so I finished it!  Here's the round up of last week's news in case you had your own gardening project or other distraction and didn't pay attention!

Worst Reporting Ever?

Or . . ..

TIF tiff – Give the companies as much as they want?

Dualing TIF committees and other issues. Yeah, live blogged again. This is the EDC subcommittee on TIF. For the geeks, and...

Dane County Board Recap

This is the meeting after the meeting about the jail.  The County Board's regularly scheduled business meeting.  Usually consisting primarily of announcements and rubber stamping the committee recommendations, so I usually haven't been blogging it.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/4/22

County Board meets this week with many lame duck representatives after the election on Tuesday.

Clean Sweep is Back!

Dispose of your chemically items correctly, please!
wheda tax credits

6 Dane County Projects get WHEDA tax credit awards, other don’t (Updated)

The Valor (veterans affordable housing) and Salvation Army not funded at this time, Salvation Army not eligible.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/15/22

Just a few county meetings this week, including the board of canvassers finalizing election results.

Homeless Mortality Rates 3 to 9 times Greater than Housed Persons

Yesterday morning, I called the coroners office to confirm the death of a homeless person, for which I only had a first name. He experienced problems outside of Shelter 1, on his way to Shelter 2 or 3 for the evening. 911 was called, staff performed CPR and he died at the hospital. An autopsy will be done to determine the cause of death.

WYOU Garage Sale . . .

and news . . .

County Week Ahead

They have a new system for their meetings, listing more than a week at a time, but I'm not sure how accurate it will be moving forward. So, here's the meetings for this week.